
Project Tracker

Page history last edited by Tina 15 years, 3 months ago

A great way for managers to track group progress is with a Project Tracker page.  List your most important projects here, and review the list every week.  If any important items are missing, add them.  If anything on the list seems less important, remove it.


The key is to provide crystal clarity on what people should work on, and when those projects are due.


Use the status to bring clarity to the process--the status should either be GOOD, WARNING, DANGER, or DONE.  That way it's easy to see where your team needs to focus.


Ideally, you should create a page for each project using the "Project" template, and link each project listed on the Project Tracker to its corresponding page.


You can also create pages for each team member using the "Team Member Page" template and link the project leads' names to their respective pages.


Remember, you can create your own customized version of any PBworks template simply by tagging that page with the keyword "template".  From then on, any user of your workspace will be able to use your page template.


Project Lead Notes Start Date End Date Status
Create new 2.0 templates Chris Written, circulated for review  3/10



Conduct webinar on templates Chris Target beginning of April  3/20




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